Aug 12, 2011


Titles are wrong, my title is wrong, a fabrication, a mistake, a cruel lie. I(Herald) have been wrong? --not a Herald, no army to lead in some fantastic charge, a last stand of righteousness and defiance.

Fighters you may be, but army you are not. Disciples, all. Disciples of a SAVIOR?

The GENTLEMAN is not a transient monster, a mere villain, HE is the superlative EVIL.
I(Prophet) understand, I understand what we need. Not a Hero, a SAVIOR!
Where is our SAVIOR? Find him.

Find him. We have waited long enough.

I(Prophet) will find your SAVIOR.


  1. ... haven't we been through this?
    Titles don't work, sweetheart. I wish they did. But this isn't a fairytale. People die, people get fucked up, people crack, and then you can never go back.


    Believe me.

    I should know.

  2. She's not thinking straight, Spence!

    What the hell is that moron of a sage DOING?

  3. ... Dammit Ness, it's not about finding someone to fucking save us, it's about us banding together to SAVE OURSELVES.

  4. I'll find her. Quit bitching, Konaa, and Stay in Bed.

  5. I'm fine, I'm sorry for worrying you guys, I just went a little... er. Well, we'll figure it out.

  6. If someone proove himself as a true savior, I would not mind to follow him/her. OF COURSE, just if the man/woman really exist. This community already had too many deceptions.

    Hope you are okay H/Nessa. ... Can I still call you H? is shorter..
